I Dont Feel Like Playing Metro Exodus Again

Metro Exodus (Video Game 2019) Poster

10 /10

The journey that you won't forget, a game with stunning and realistic atmosphere

The narrative and story is great, the factions you meet upon Artyom's journey is interesting but with the lack of side quests it felt like there was too little action with the factions, making us wanting more of them. The stuff we did get was simply great. The baron in the desert part felt like a good villain but ended up being dealt with too fast. The forest map was my favorite as it felt realistic and a lord of the flies vibe to it which I liked. The Dead City had some serious Metro 2033 vibes which I loved, exploring a hunted metro is what made the predecessors great as the atmosphere was something we had never seen in a game before and they succeeded in creating something new with the outside world, making all the factions different and interesting whilst keeping the tone the same. All chapters were outstanding, getting everything right. The Volga, Yamantau, The Taiga and The Dead City were superb. The Caspian was the only chapter I felt wasn't as high quality but it was still needed and entertaining to play through. Superb game.

Overall the game needed some side quests but we might get some good story DLCs like in the previous installment. They did a marvelous job at creating well written and likeable characters and giving more attention to the returning characters, making them perfect. All characters that you come across are different and great. I played the game like you were supposed to, killing almost no one and I managed to get the good ending which I loved and I don't want to spoil anything but there might be a sequel in the near future? Would be awesome.

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10 /10

Leaves you wanting more

The atmosphere is very impressive, this is by far the best looking FPS I have ever played. The gameplay is awesome and the story is gripping. You can really tell how much care went into development. Every single character is memorable. The feelings are genuine, I actually cared about them. Making every mission that much more intense. The mix between the linear segments and open world areas fits perfect with this game. And cruising around the train while it's in motion through the country is so awesome I've been waiting for a game like this for very long (having a mobile home base in an "open world"). Metro Exodus is everything Fallout / Far Cry should've been. Metro highlights that intense FEAR and HORROR that would come with surviving in the post-apocalyptic world, great survival features / HUD, having to patch up holes in your gas mask if it gets too damaged, changing filters, or even just having to wipe it so you can see better, the depth of each mechanic makes it feel that much more immersive. My main negative criticism would be; it crashed a lot on me (about 10 times), in typical Metro fashion there were segments where I couldn't figure out where to go and I would miss what should've been obvious (I blame the developers, I never beat the other Metro's because of this, I probably just suck). And the ending, either one good or bad, should've been a couple hours longer, I truly feel the story was cut short. I know there's a limit to everything, but after investing all that time I expected to see more fruit of my labor and to be able to play in the orchard of those labor trees for a while longer. Like come on, what if uncharted 4 just ended without that ending you play on the beach? It'd feel like a lil hole is missing. Anyways, this is my favorite post-apocalyptic game by far.

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9 /10

I loved it!

Warning: Spoilers

The best in the series and with an emotional ending. Controls are improved and graphics updated. Well worth the money!

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10 /10


One of the Best Games I've ever played. This game is very immersive with Great Story and Insane Graphics

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9 /10

Best Metro game in the series by far!

First of all. I've been reading alot of hateful comments on the internet towards 4A games and Metro Exodus. Alot of these comments are about the fact that Koch Media and Deep Silver pulled the game of Steam on the very last moment before it's release and made a time exclusive title for the Epic Store. I don't find this a just reason to publicly destroy the game itself. This was a publisher descision and let's leave it at that. People who want to play this game, just buy it on the Epic Store and play it. Seriously, it's worth it!

I haven't being experiencing alot of problems with the game itself. It did hitch up several times when I tried to leave to game, but no harm done. These are minor bugs that can and most likely will be dealt with soon. Again, not a valid reason to destroy this game in my opinion.

The graphics of this game are amazing! It's a visual masterpiece! The amount of detail in the game world itself is just breathtaking! And every new area you go to aboard the Aurora, shows the power of this engine and the talent behind this game. No wonder they've spent years making this game! And to be honest, it's been worth the wait! Hopefully they put as much time and work in the fourth game, which I'm sure of, will come! This world has many more stories to tell, I can feel it!

Artyom is again the big hero in this game and this becomes more clear towards the end of the story. Many more characters are introduced in the storyline and most of these will see it through to the next chapter, I'm sure of it!

The backpack! What a innovative way of allowing the gamer to customize Artyom's gear! Upgrading and cleaning your weapons and gear. Crafting healthkits, filters, ammo and so on! The customization options are plentyfull. They give you the chance to play the game as you want. You want to play stealthy, you can. You want to go in guns blazing, you sure as hell can! And this backpack gives you that freedom!

Later in the game you have to micro manage alot of this. Keeping your flashlight charged, Switching filters of your gasmask, or making sure your weapon is fully charged! At certain points, just managing this means to survive becomes nerfwrecking, while being on the lookout for scary mutated beasts who will surely attack on sight!

I've said that the game world looks amazing! A beauty! I love the fact they let you play through the seasons of the year, aswell as on different locations spread out over the vastness of apocalyptic Russia! And this is all made possible with the Aurora! A powerfull sovjet relic, or big ass old train locomotive! Along the way you go on the search for a wagon to live in and upgrades for the train itself! So this beast of a machine changes over the course of the game. Again a nice twist to the game.

I can keep rambling on about the quality of this product. But just go ahead and play it! No matter of your a fan of the series or not, this game will get you hooked! Just make sure you don't run out of supplies soldier!

Over and out!

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10 /10

This game set out to prove metro was more then just the tunnels

This game brought the spirit of metro to the farthest places from Moscow the story is amazing, the combat can be fast paced or slow depending on how you play, and the stealth is satisfying, my only complaint is that it's much easier then the previous games I'd suggest you play on normal or hardcore if you've played any of the previous games.

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5 /10

I don't know why, but I just didn't.

I loved Metro: Last Light and 2033, and was expecting to enjoy this game too. But after only a few sessions of an hour or two each, I put this game away and haven't touched it since. Exodus still nails the atmosphere of a Metro game, but I feel the semi open ended levels and focus on exteriors was a bold deviation from it's predecessors that didn't work at all for me. It feels totally out of character. I appreciate them trying to inovate, and even with that it could still be a fun game. Yet, I haven't had the motivation to give it another try. It's a bizzare feeling because there is nothing obviously wrong with it. It had a more interesting story so far in my opinion. The new weapon mod system is cool. But I felt totally empty playing it, and it seems a handful of people share this feeling with me. Give it a go if you like what you see, but keep all of this in mind.

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10 /10

Might have just become my favorite game of all time

I have always been a fan of Metro games, seeing the trailer for Metro Exodus got me so excited and that excitement was justified. The game is incredible in so many ways.

The story looks like the storyline from previous Metro games but after the 1st level it's clear this is nothing like the previous Metro games. Being able to roam around the surface for so long and exploring it is great change from those claustrophobic metro tunnels. Seeing all the different regions in Russia from deserts to snowy cities. Story really takes you on a ride because the characters are so well made. They have a personality, they have a backstory and they have something to fight for. When you make a wrong choice it keeps haunting for quite some time because the absence of that character is noticeable. Also the ending will make even the manliest of men cry, it's just so touching.

Soundtrack in this game is amazing, I actually listen to its soundtrack off game because it's so good. The music brings so much to this game. When time is running low you and you hear the music your heart start racing and you expect the worst or when the intense fight begins and you hear that intense music that makes you want to just start shooting all the enemies.

Another amazing aspect of this game is its replayability, there are few different ending and that's just one big reason to replay the game. Then there's the New Game + mode where you can modify your game and make it even more difficult and cruel. The game mechanics in this game are quite similar to the previous Metro games. You can customize your guns and you have to use your gas mask every now and then. The gas mask is an unique element and when you have to put it on and you get attacked and it breaks you know you have to act quickly.

Overall I absolutely loved this game. It's beautiful, it's enjoyable to play, it's scary and it's touching. So if you are looking for a long journey play all the Metro games because that's the only way you're going to enjoy this game to its maximum potential.

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3 /10

Alright game

I loved the first two Metro games, they delivered both great action and horror while providing an incredible world off two explore and get lost in. While Metro Exodus just doesn't deliver at all what the first two games did. I found the story very forgettable and very dull, mostly because off the very irritating Russian accent that ruins most off the cutscenes and dialogue between the main cast, so much that I have zero interest in any of them at all. The gameplay is just shoot, shoot, cutscene with no variation nothing. The same old gameplay were the game for no reason just takes control of your character and just sit on the sofa while the game plays you, fun? No it's absolutely laughable awful and just takes away any reason for me to play this game at all, Jesus Christ its so damn disappointing.

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6 /10

Slightly Above Average

While this game is definitely beautiful from a graphical standpoint, especially in 4k HDR. It lacks the survival horror elements that made me fall in love with Metro, the game opens strongly but trades in the cluster phobic environments of the metro tunnels in favor for a more open world game set with beautiful visuals for sure. However in doing so the devs steer the game into more action FPS rather than survival horror. While admittedly you can play the game how you see fit, shoot em up or slow and non lethal the game doesn't give you much incentive for that play style. The weakest part of this game is it's story and dialogue. The voice acting could've been better as well. Gameplay is what I would say is the games saving grace, great gunplay the guns feel and sound real. Great customization for the variety of weapons you get to play with. Overall while I've enjoyed my time with this game which is about a 15+ hour experience, it was a rather underwhelming installment in the Metro franchise. I hope if the devs have planned for a 4th title they make a return to the survival horror themes of Metro 2033. 6/10

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3 /10

Metro should not be open world

I don't get it, the first two had a great claustrophobic and tense atmosphere, so they decide to go open world and ruin it. If you enjoy wandering around a map with very little in it, then this is a game for you.

The first games had humans and beasts separated by little towns and eerie long metro tunnels. Now they seem to co-exist in small areas, for no reason except to fit into the open world genre. And the extra little exploration points on the map are fairly pointless.

I wanted to like it so much but I think this is just another game the open world system has killed. Some games are better with linear gameplay and a stronger focus on narrative, Metro is most definitely one of them.

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7 /10

Good, but not that good.

Warning: Spoilers

The story fails, bunch of clichês.

The only awesome part of the history its the begging, with those revelations.

But the rest its Just the rest. Not original at all, with that mas max world, cannibals and etc.

And man, that trap of the cannibals, terrível. EVERYONE SEE THAT COME. THOSE PEOPLE IN THE RADIO MAN, COME ON.....

And what about THOSE beens of the First two ones? Completelly forgotten.


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6 /10

Good but not that good

It's pretty good....what i don't like about it is that the movement is too slow...and what i think downgraded it, is the dialogue between the characters...it seems like every sentence was recorded separately and then they put those sentence together to form a dialogue...the verbal interaction beetwen the characters isn't flowing and that's really annoying to me. The story is nice. But again, to me it's not smooth enough, i get the gameplay to be slow because of the suits and all but the storytelling...i can't forgive that.

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7 /10

Terrible optimization

Warning: Spoilers

So many plot holes, gameplay, menus control and crosshaire handling are all terrible (feels like with big mouse latency and acceleration that it made very discomfortable to play and no graphical settings helped to remove it), and very bad optimization of the game in general. Like in 30minutes of gameplay there is a place with a crane, where you climb up to meet one dude named Kahir or something cant recall his name but he was expelled from the church where a cult was living in. So on that crane i checked both sides of the map and one side was like 100+ fps, and the other side where was the hangar and the mentioned church at the fps dropped below 60 fps and it felt very bad, not smooth at all. And again, changing graphical settings didnt help at all, at least going from ultra to high it didnt help. I always thought older metro games were terribly optimized but now i think it was pretty ok compared to this game. At least lowering graphical settings used to help with these problems. I wonder maybe creators of this game used the same old unoptimized engine for this game, and thats a terrible idea because the new graphics needs new engine and optimizations. And my computer can run 2019 games (this game is from 2019) like Control for an example without any problems. Little bit tinkering with graphical settings needed, but thats all i can play with nearly maxed out settings. This game is just terrible at optimization and if not this problem, then i would give way better score here. But i loved some stuff like the new gun modification way and some other things that which made the game not so bad, but i was feeling the need to mention all the bad stuff here mainly.

In the end im happy that they at least used the happy ending to for this story line to take from. And i loved some most dramatic scenes in this game (especially the whole TWO COLONELS DLC! Best dlc ive ever seen! And that dramatic scene in the end of it.. it took my heart away, my heart just skipped some beats, it was super emotional for me ;/)

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2 /10

Not a fake or paid review

This game is really terrible because of non stop filter changing. Having to constantly look everywhere trying to find filters that only last a minute!! Because psychopaths made this game its a look everywhere in the maze maps and hidden rooms but die all the time from lack of oxygen. Then its hardcore mode with non stop bosses even when playing normal mode. This is the first game that penalises a player for not looking around very closely and also for not running threw it quickly at the same time. Either way its constant penalties and idiotic gaming. Because you go through a door now you can't go back. Its like a survival game that forces you to eat every minute or die from starving to death. You will be hard pressed to find so many tools as devs than here on metro series. Will never waste another penny on anything this developer or those who put this trash together make again.

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4 /10

Game ruined by tedium and bugs

One of the worst experiences I've had playing a triple A game. Between the terribly awkward movement system that feels like you're on the moon to the unskippable dialogue segments that sometimes last five to ten minutes, the game is a slog to play through. Not to mention the forced QuickTime events when an enemy attacks you, or the bullet sponge enemies that eat all fifty 7.62 rounds you can carry to the face without dying, etc. It's like the game is trying to make you hate it.

How about the gun cleaning mechanic that makes Red Dead Redemption 2 look reasonabke - this game could literally be named "Weapon Cleaning Sim" and people wouldn't question it. You spend all these precious resources cleaning your weapons and then walk around for two minutes without anything but air hitting your guns and their all filthy again. So many times my guns were rendered essentially useless from this stupid overdone mechanic minutes after I had just cleaned them. It's genuinely baffling how bad it is.

Equally frustrating, there are several boss type enemies that, even if you kill them, they just get respawned seconds later because the game needs them to be there hounding you in the next area. The Dead City chapter is the worst offender of this; no matter how many of those snake like water creatures that spit acid at you I killed, they'd all just be back again once I got to the other side of the room. Or how about the stupid ape enemy where I wasted a ton of ammo and resources killing the first three I encountered thinking it would make it easier only for the game to just spawn another one for the 27th tedious and unnecessary QuickTime event. I only decided to kill them because that section is already miserable with your character constantly being berated by stupid aberrations that make the player stop walking and slump over to recover. You might as well just set the controlling down because the game will constantly take control away, holding you hostage while you wait for another empty anticlimactic story event to end.

While performance has been solid with very few noticeable framerate drops, I have had the PS5 enhanced version crash on me several times but that doesn't bother me as much as what would of been an enjoyable game completely destroyed by baffling gameplay mechanics that make you want to never play it again. Playing a game should be a fun experience - it shouldn't make you want to rip your controller in half. These devs really need to rethink their decisions for the next game because there's no way they play tested this game and didn't get feedback that too many systems are overdone. The AK can literally be dropped in mud and fired IRL but in this game it can't even sustain air hitting it. Like bruh... can we please get real.

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2 /10

Bad Acting

I got really hooked on getting this game from the trailers--a gorgeous world full of nightmarish horrors to fight? Sounds awesome! Except the voice acting in this game is *so* clunky and awkward that it took me riiiight out of it. Immersion destroyed. The gameplay itself isn't fun enough to warrant the terrible dialogue (a la Dying Light, for example), and the controls are clunky at best. Sad.

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7 /10

Fun game

Warning: Spoilers

Metro Exodus feels like a normal Metro game It is very slow paced the mission "The Volga" the 3rd mission instead of being in a metro system like every other mission in every other game in the franchise you are in a huge open world map it takes forever to complete and when you complete it the spawn will glitch out and you will have to restart the mission the open world thing is just (for me) a very dumb idea plus there is a mission in the desert and it is also open world I like to replay the mission "Moscow" it is very long and I truly enjoy the mission but I hope they never use the open world stuff again I like how there is pictures and books hidden around the map that you can collect and read

Overall 7/10

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1 /10

Worst game in years

Although the graphics on PS5 are amazing (especially lighting), the game itself is to cry about. Removed it after pushing myself through 80% of the game because friends were enthousiastic about it. I don't understand. The story is crappy, the voice acting terrible (even after switching to Russian) and the rest of the game is just crap. I stopped playing when sneakattack options just didn't pop up 50% of the time. A terrible game...

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1 /10

Not worth Epic Games Store

Doesn't justify installing the required store, wait for it to be on steam or any other store than Epics offerings.

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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7447318/reviews

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